Tooling support / Testing of transport
TOOLING SUPPORT / TESTING OF TRANSPORT The system allows to lift and return. Before validate our work and move to the painting from of tooling, we test in charge. See the principle above. All the tests were carried out by our team, and then validated in our workshops of Grigny.
Good and happy new year to everyone!
All Mongin team wishes you their wishes for the new year. We are pleased to have worked with you or for you. That our customers and our suppliers can retain an excellent health and a beautiful wealth! To soon for new adventures between you and us. The team…
Mechanical parts welded painted
MECHANICAL PARTS WELDED PAINTED. We are proud to manufacture special parts. These rigid pieces of large dimensions, are assembled especially, with sheet and profiles, by welding before being machined and painted.
Repair of a large-scale amusement
REPAIR OF A LARGE-SCALE AMUSEMENT. We have so far not hurt of work on big rides repair which evolves throughout the year in the biggest French fairs. We are also known by this small world and as soon as there is a large technical complication on this type of gear, we are regularly consulted. […]
Mecano-welded tubular structure
MECANO – WELDED TUBULAR STRUCTURE. Our welded structures are the Assembly of profiles and metal tubes or aluminum obtained by welding or by brazing with rigid mechanical functions. These are generally sets which are transferred for machining on our large-sized gantry milling machines. The Mecano-welding, is the possibility to obtain complex parts at lower cost, […]
Trolley handling for diesel engine
TROLLEY HANDLING FOR DIESEL ENGINE. The «Man» Engines are for construction machinery, also for agricultural machinery, and special machinery but they are best suited for Tractors, recycling machinery and cranes.
Parts special welded painted
PARTS SPECIAL WELDED PAINTED. This achievement is an example of parts welded from from flame-cut sheets and also profiles cut to length. It has requested a specific manufacture in order to operate the welding before painting. The finalization of these parts at to ask like precision the tenth of millimeter, see a tolerance tight at […]
Mecanical bearing welded machined
MECNICAL BEARING WELDED MACHINED. The main activities of Mongin are machining of welded parts, here are two subsets with insert of a bronze ring. These are customers, specialized in design for electric drive and more generally for of big machines.
Welded tubular frame
WELDED TUBULAR FRAME. Structure welded large and complex shapes for design of frames of machines, the various frameworks are intended to support heavy loads and have the possibility of handling (forklifts or manipulating arm). The drawback is due to fact that the distortion due to welding gives of bad tolerances, of the order of millimeter. […]
Grooves in T for plates in steel or cast of large dimensions
GROOVES IN T FOR PLATES IN STEEL OR CAST OF LARGE DIMENSIONS. The plates in grooves in T are carried out on our large gantry milling machines / capacity: 4000 x 2400 x 1200. These grooves are made to receive the standard nuts, we work for these achievements at the request of our customers. The […]
The decorative medallion
THE DECORATIVE MEDALLION. In collaboration with «DGM industry», MONGIN has realized and machined built welded to a big Medallion which aimed to celebrate the birthday of an amusement park. After the completion of built, it is in the premises of DGM specialists decorators have adorned the medallion. Proof that our work exceeds the limits of […]
Tubular frame for modelling / Concept Car
TUBULAR FRAME FOR MODELLING / CONCEPT CAR. The designers came together in competition, to create emulation within the company. The first drawings are done in pencil, then they will be integrated into the computer. We turn then to the transposition into three dimensions, interior of the car and exterior volumes, this will, to visualize projects […]
CENTRIFUGE FOR EARTHQUAKE SIMULATIONS. The first centrifuge was manufactured by Acutronic and was the first of its type. After a few years of operations, Actidyn Systemes upgraded the centrifuge to a 150 g-ton. It includes : – Oscillating platform, – Balancing by counterweight, – Automatic internal balancing system, – Joints hydraulic and Rotary, – Electrical […]
Châssis tubulaire pour Modélisation / Concept Car
CHÂSSIS TUBULAIRE POUR MODÉLISATION / CONCEPT CAR. Les dessinateurs sont réunis en compétition afin de créer l’émulation au sein de la compagnie. Les premiers dessins sont réalisés au crayon, ils seront ensuite intégrés à l’ordinateur. Nous passons alors à la transposition en trois dimensions des volumes de l’auto extérieurs et intérieurs, cela permettra de visualiser […]
WELDED TUBULAR STRUCTURE. Work, on outline of a tubular structure which is composed of tubes square, round, rectangular and profiled cut to length. The sections of different forms and profiles can be cuts straight or angles of 10 ° to 60 °, in order to form a coherent whole for the execution of the welding […]
Ecological boiler
CONDENSING BOILER. We are very proud to have worked for this project. A project aimed to design a boiler, known as ecological, that is, that works with any organic waste. Including from waste of agriculture as nuclei of olives or the hulls of nuts. Here is a piece welded where constraints were very important. Our […]
Railing design!
RAILLING DESIGN! A railing carried out on the request of a designer! A few times, the decorators and designers make us specific requests. As is the case of this railing created for a grand Hotel Parisien. This was certainly an interesting job, artistically, but it is very complex to achieve. Each ring was welded with […]
Dietswell Challenge
A DRILLING TECHNIQUE SIZE XXL !! An oil compagny from renowned noted the challenge to find black gold off the coast of South Africa, there where nobody has gone. Simply because at this area the ocean is in perpetual motion. It is indeed very difficult to stabilize an Off Shore platform and at the same […]
MILLING MACHINE « TOS » / LARGE CAPACITY. Milling machine / technical capacity: 3500 x 2000 x 1250 We bought this machine in 1993, it has made us many services, among other things during the machining of very large parts of Foundry for maritime transport. It also allows machining of revolution of repetitively by milling and drilling […]
Structure tubulaire soudée
Travail sur plan d’une structure tubulaire qui est composée de tubes carrés, ronds, rectangulaires et profilés découpés à longueur. Les débits des différentes formes et profilés peuvent être des coupes droites ou angulaires de 10° à 60°, afin de former un ensemble cohérent pour l’exécution du soudage de l’ensemble de la structure. […]
Grosse pièce mécanique / mécano-soudée usinée
Une très grosse pièce mécanique « centrifugeuse » simulateur de tremblements de terre, a été réalisée au sein de notre atelier de Grigny. A la demande d’un spécialiste leader mondial du domaine de la modélisation géotechnique.
Aléseuse – Fraiseuse TOS / Grande capacité
ALÉSEUSE – FRAISEUSE TOS /GRANDE CAPACITÉ. Aléseuse Fraiseuse / capacités techniques : 3500 x 2000 x 1250. Nous avons acheté cette machine en 1993, elle nous a rendu beaucoup de services, entre autre lors de l’usinage de très grosse pièces de fonderie pour les transports maritimes. Elle permet également de réaliser des usinages de révolution […]
Centrifugeuse pour simulations de tremblement de terre
CENTRIFUGEUSE POUR SIMULATIONS DE TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE. La première centrifugeuse a été fabriquée par Acutronic et fût la première de son type. Après quelques années d’exploitation, Actidyn a amélioré le système d’ une désignation de 150 g-tonnes. Celle-ci comprend : – Plate-forme oscillante. – Équilibrage par contre-poids. – Système d’équilibrage interne automatique, – Joints hydrauliques […]
Pièces mécaniques usinées dans la masse
Mechanical parts machined in the mass, Nos ateliers de fabrication sont spécialisés dans l’usinage mécanique de grande dimension et plus précisément dans la fabrication de grosses pièces sur lesquelles nos grandes fraiseuses enlèvent 80% du poids de la pièce de façon à réaliser les formes et les dimensions fournies par notre client. Grâce à cette […]
Chariot de manutention pour moteur diesel
CHARIOT DE MANUTENTION POUR MOTEUR DIESEL. Les moteurs Man pour la construction, l’agriculture et les machines spéciales sont plus adaptés pour les tracteurs, grues et machines de recyclage.
Chaudronnerie de grande dimension
CHAUDRONNERIE DE GRANDE DIMENSION Cette réalisation est un exemple de pièces mécano-soudées à partir de tôles oxycoupées et des profilés coupés à longueur. Celle-ci a demandé une fabrication spécifique afin d’opérer le soudage avant peinture. La finalisation de ces pièces demande une précision du dixième de millimètre, voir une tolérance serrée au niveau du positionnement […]
Chaudronnerie industrielle- Tolerie.
Extraordinary…! Boilermaking and reinforced concrete for export, Extraordinaire…! Nos ateliers sont en mesure de réaliser des sous-ensembles où sont liés, mécanique, usinage, chaudronnerie, mécano-soudure, le tout consolidé pour des raisons techniques par du béton armé. Après avoir coulé le béton à l’intérieur du cône, vous pouvez constater sur certaines photos ci-dessus que les différents éléments […]
Réparation d’un manège de grande envergure
RÉPARATION D’UN MANÈGE DE GRANDE ENVERGURE. Nous avons jusqu’à présent fait pas mal de réparation sur de gros manèges qui évolue toute l’année dans les plus grosse fêtes foraines Française. Nous sommes d’ailleurs connus par ce petit monde et dès qu’il y a une grosse complication technique sur ce type d’engin, nous sommes régulièrement consultés. […]